- We took the girls who were still at camp over the weekend to a park down the road from camp, and sprawled on the grass while they played. It was really relaxing and I got to catch up with Tink and London, which is nice as I barely see them at work, we're all so busy! We also demonstrated to all the arriving parents that we are very responsible counsellors by walking along the side of the main road as there was no pavement. SuPeR sTaFf.
- One of my kids asked me: "Are England years the same as ours?" - I was baffled and told her to go read up on basic astronomy.
- The kids loved the way that I speak, and I got called an awesome counsellor all week. It was great! My kids always wanted to sit with me at meals, and Coral said I was her favourite counsellor ever. I felt good about myself and my job.
- Luna set up a crime scene and did experiments with the girls to find out who had stolen all the hula hoops from the sports shed - the girls had so much fun working with the clues and doing different tests to find the culprit. My favourite part was when the girls realised that the perpetrator had tried to frame us for the crime and Olivia said, "THEY FRAMED US THE big weenies.." and it was so funny.
- Squirrel's feet tanned through the holes in her sandals; when she took her shoes off, her feet were checkered and all of us laughed for ages because of it.
- Late one evening, Piranha was stalling about going to bed because she was afraid to walk up to Sky Meadow in the dark. She was holding her flashlight under her chin and pulling a stupid face, saying, "Tell me I'm beautiful." over and over. It was, I have to say, incredibly funny.
- I wore my Markiplier shirt one day, and loads of the girls around camp high fived, hugged, and called to me because they like him too! It was very cool, even if he's not the most 'camperific' of people.
- One of our kids, Sam, accidentally broke her glasses and was horrified at what her mum might say - she promptly wrote her mum a letter saying "I'm really sorry" but with 30 'really's. Nemo fixed the glasses with pirate duct tape.
- Our cookout was amazing - we had it in the dining hall because there was a thunderstorm (surprise, surprise - a thunderstorm on the night I planned an overnight camp out!), and we ate tacos. Then for dessert, Kiwi came up with the idea to make a s'mores pizza! We took some dough, and put pieces of chocolate and marshmallows onto it, then cooked it so it all melted together, and sprinkled some broken graham crackers on the top. It was absolutely gorgeous and we all went into collective sugar comas when we were done eating it.
- One of our units this week was Chocolate Chef, which Kiwi and I were leading. We made so many sweet treats that we were all stuffed by the end of the week. We made ice cream from scratch, cookies and chocolate brownies!
- At the end of the week, about half of my girls wanted me to sign their t-shirts. I felt really cool for a minute! I also got told I'm the best counsellor, and that I'm amazing. It's times like these that I feel most satisfied with my job.
- My kids decided that when I'm grumpy I am a ghost pepper because "they're the really spicy, evil ones!" - so if I was threatening to be mad at them, they would say, "No guys, be good! We want Dr Pepper, not Ghost Pepper!"
- As well as the two(!!) mice that lived in our staff cabin, occasionally some chipmunks would run in and attempt to steal chocolate or a potato chip. We soon saw them off, but they were kind of cute - if I'd have had my way I would've left them to it.
- Nemo got hired for third session! I was so pleased because I recommended her repeatedly to admin staff, saying that she was fab (she really is). In celebration, Squirrel nicked some cookie dough from the kitchen and we had a cookie dough party in her honour. Needless to say, we all felt a bit sick by the end of it.
- On Saturday Tink, London, Starry, Kiwi and I went to Burlington, which is the most populated city in Vermont. It's the most adorable, quaint place, and we spent all day wandering around and having a laugh amongst ourselves. There was a Ben & Jerry's shop (in fact, it's the first shop Ben and Jerry ever set up when they were starting out!) that we took full advantage of. We also tried out all the perfumes in Victoria's Secret, and had lunch at an Italian-American pub.
- London, Tink and Kiwi got crepes from a guy who London dubbed 'Pancake Man' and insisted on having a selfie with him - Tink then also had a selfie with him, and decided his name was 'Crepe Guy'. He was hilarious and just went along with how silly we were being, and we laughed for ages about it.
- We accidentally crashed a wedding. Tink, London and I were in an art gallery in Burlington and decided to go up to the second floor; two hot guys got into the elevator and were making loads of jokes (that we laughed very heartily at). Then one of them turned around to us and said, "So, are you going to the wedding?" and we giggled away, thinking it was another silly joke. Then we walked out of the elevator and... Well, it was a wedding.
Week 4 was a blast, and now Week 5 is in full swing and we're having a lot of fun! Hopefully my update will be more on time next time.