Well hey, good looking! How the devil are you?
First entry of a new blog is always a bugger to write; I never know whether to put down some basic information or write my life story or just say a big hello to anyone that may be having a peek.
Really, it should come easily to me, seeing as I started blogging in May 2007, having barely turned 15. I didn't really get 'into' it until later that same year, when my posts became less empty and sporadic and more full of anecdotes from school (and later, college), stupid things my friends/family said and did, photos from life, opinions and rants, and shameless plugging of other weblings that I loved. This continued for a good few years, and started to fizzle out around the beginning of 2011. Thus, by May 2011, four years after I started my blog ('
shygirlslose', affectionately known by regular readers as 'SGL'), I decided to stop the detailed posts.
This was for a number of reasons, the first being that - around the time I closed SGL down - I was in the midst of applying for university, and preparing myself for moving to a different town over 90 miles away from home. It was a giant and terrifying hurdle, and I found that the blog was too much to keep up with on top of everything else. I was also disheartened at the lack of feedback I got on the blog; I had a few readers who read every post and commented on most, but I felt that I was making a hell of a lot of effort for a blog that was hardly read. Being rather foolish at the time, I didn't bother keeping an eye on my analytics, which would've told me that many people were in fact looking at my blog. I seemed to count popularity in comments, which is both sad and shameful. I kick my younger self for this.
So, I left Blogspot. I moved my primary blogging over to my tumblr account
here. This was easier to keep track of because the site generally isn't a 'write reams and reams' kind of place; it was more for pictures and quick, snappy updates from my life. This suited me as I was busy with lots of new and exciting things, and has suited me for the past few years.
Now, however, I feel like I'm missing something again. Tumblr is a great site, and I do love my blog on there, but it's not really what I'd call a 'blog' - it's more short text posts about stuff that's going on in my life, photos of me/from my life, and then many reblogs of things that I find around tumblr that I like or that interest me. It's a lot of fun, but it's become something that isn't as open and personal as SGL was, and I miss having that creative outlet. Plus there's quite a mean streak on tumblr, especially when people express an opinion that doesn't jive with what everyone else is saying. I'm not a fan of censoring myself, so I guess that comes into it too.
So here I am, creating this new blog - for me, for the dedicated SGL readers that have never left me (even when I was an awful person and stopped blogging there), and for anybody else that decides they want to read it!
~ Kayleigh