Pictured: Every English person's reaction to sunshine. |
For once in our lives, us Englanders got a bit of sunshine today. I always love it when the sun comes out because it's like everybody wakes up; everyone laughs more and there are more people outside walking, doing the garden, kicking a ball about, etc. It's just nice to stroll around without needing a jacket and feel the cool breeze and photosynthesise a bit (please don't ask - I've been telling people that I photosynthesise for years.. I promise I'm not just a giant, sentient piece of plant life). Not to mention everything looks so much brighter when the sun shines - colours stand out more vividly and everyone looks just that bit nicer.
I sound overly sappy and pretentious, I know, but it's bloody rare to see the sun around here! It felt nice to get out of the house and get some air in my lungs. Plus I am cold-blooded like a serpent so the warmth was wonderful for me. I get disproportionately angry when I'm too cold.
Just a short one, but I think this plus my introductory post will suffice.
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