Sunday, 26 May 2013

London Comic Con 2013 - Day 2

The weather was much nicer today, so I got a chance to debut my new (very awesome) sunglasses, and we didn't have to scuttle quickly to places in the rain. I am ridiculously glad Caz and I went to the previews yesterday because today it was absolutely packed. We could barely move most of the time because there were so many people and we didn't get as much of a chance to look around, so it's good we got to do that yesterday and not miss out on anything. 

I hugged three Slendermen in total (there is a video of one of these instances, which will be on the vlog!) and have renamed him 'Frienderman'. I bought Caz the One Ring as a birthday present, and got myself a Rilakkuma skin for my Oyster card and a pink Super Mario mushroom plush (I guess you could say it's a... PLUSHroom - YEAAAAAAAAAAAH), which is now hanging on my handbag. We also did プリクラ ('purikura', look it up!) and this is the result:

When the con got too warm and too annoying for us to deal with any more, we skedaddled over to Camden because no trip to the city is complete without going there. We spent ages looking at all the wonderful, beautiful things in Cyberdog - I got a Guardian Angel t-shirt in black and silver, which means that my entire ensemble tomorrow (except for my shoes) will be Cyberdog! 

We also had a KFC that tasted 1000% better due to how starving we were - it had been a while since my breakfast of frosted Shreddies and my stomach was disgruntled. I posed in KFC with Caz's new Minecraft pickaxe:

We stopped at a shisha bar for a while (opting for the cherry flavour) and took a seat next to a man who looked like he could have been Christian Bale's nomadic brother. He turned out to be an American named John who was something of an art buff - he taught us the concept of 'sword placement', in which artists always make sculptures of people holding their swords near their hip, which - when viewed at the right angle - looks like a dick. Caz and I found this deliciously funny and dubbed John 'the penis guy of Camden', a title that he took without question or protest. He also had a gigantic cup of tea and asked if he could squeeze the pink mushroom on my bag - I spluttered because he said, "Can I squeeze your mushroom?" and I thought it was some kind of horrifying euphemism. I'm not sure I can sum up how chill and hilarious he was, so I won't try. We felt like we'd met some kind of cryptid.

At the station near Judith's place, we saw a discarded cap on the floor. Caz flipped it over with her foot to get a proper look. It said BAYWATCH on it; we promptly collapsed laughing because of all the things in the whole world, I wouldn't have guessed that in a million tries. I'm not even sure why we laughed until we were choking, but have a photo of Caz wearing the best hat in the world:

We stopped at Tops Pizza, which is literally next door to Judith's flat, then went back to Judith's and got into pyjamas before eating pizza and watching Markiplier's new videos! The pizza was delicious and so was Markiplier. It was a beautiful end to another hilarious and bizarre day. Now it's 3:20am and I really need to go to bed if I'm going to get up anywhere near a reasonable time tomorrow for the third and final day of London Comic Con 2013!

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