Thursday, 21 August 2014

A Trip To Boston, Ben & Jerry's Part 3 & Leaving Camp

On Sunday, we (Cookie, Pugs, Tink, London, Osprey, Smiley, Starry, J Crew, Piranha, Nibbles, and myself) took a trip down to Boston; the primary reason was that we were dropping off J Crew, Piranha, and Nibbles at the airport *sob sob* We got the whole afternoon before they left though, and it was really nice. We wandered around and Cookie was telling us all sorts of things about the city (she's from there) and it was all so interesting. The weather was gorgeous and everyone was in a nice mood.

When we went to eat, Cookie took us to a place called Faneuil Hall, and I'm not kidding when I say it's a half-mile of different food stands. You could literally buy anything there; as well as the vast array of different cultural cuisines there were also loads of sweet stalls where you could buy gorgeous cakes and pastries and ice cream and candy. I had a home made lasagne from an Italian-American stall and a strawberry and cream cake from one of the sweet stands; I spent the rest of the day in a satisfied food coma.

Saying goodbye to J Crew, Piranha and Nibbles was awful :( But they've gone off to Miami so they're going to have a really good time!

On Monday, I had my third outing to the Ben & Jerry's factory. I am so spoiled! It was really fun this time, though, because I wasn't working; before, I had a group of girls that I was responsible for. The tour was still good (made even better by some hilarious French guys who - when the tour girl talked about how we can't get all of their flavours in Europe - shouted "Discrimination!" in their really French accents, cracking all of us up), and this time the sample was Strawberry Cheesecake. I got a leaf-shaped bottle of maple syrup to take home for my family to taste, and a Ben & Jerry's t-shirt. What really stood out about this visit, though, was the Vermonster. "What's a Vermonster?" I hear you all ask (probably). Well.. This is a Vermonster:

I'll break it down - that bucket is filled with 20 scoops of Ben & Jerry's (you can pick a few flavours - we had Vanilla Caramel Fudge, Cookie Dough, Milk & Cookies and Strawberry Cheesecake), walnuts, M&Ms, hot fudge, cookies, a huge brownie, sprinkles and a massive mound of whipped cream on top. Between the seven of us, we managed to eat the whole lot and it was bloody glorious. I mean, we all immediately got diabetes afterwards, but it was still amazing. We also looked at the flavour graveyard and I laughed for about 10 minutes over the fact that Ben & Jerry's used to have a flavour called 'Vermonty Python'. No, seriously.

Tuesday was the day we (Tink, London, Osprey and I) left camp; technically our contract didn't end until Wednesday, but because we had to leave Boston in the morning, we went to stay at Cookie's house (she lives about an hour out of the city). She has the cutest house ever, and it was really nice to be in a Real Building. We played Uno and nearly died laughing, it was a lot of fun. We got up at 5am, which was gross, but we had to because Tink's flight was at 10am, and London and I wanted to be there to say goodbye.

It was really sad to say goodbye to everyone at camp - before we left on Tuesday we said goodbye to Alex & Ben (our barn director, Reins, brought them with her for the summer and they are the nicest, cutest, most well-behaved boys ever), Smiley and Starry (who I will be seeing at the end of my New York trip - we all fly home on the same day but at different times, so we're just going to get a cab to JFK together), and Pugs. Pugs was a really difficult one, because she was basically everyone's mum at camp, and she took care of me so much over the summer, as well as always cheering me up with her hilarity. She cried a bit, and Osprey, Tink and London were crying - I felt bad that I didn't. I only usually cry if I'm angry or stressed, not from sadness. I'm not a hollow shell I promise. It was crap saying goodbye, but I've made everyone promise to stay in touch.

And thus, my camp contract ended, and I was unleashed upon the real world.

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