Monday, 2 January 2017

2017 - Goals For The Year

I’m really not a fan of New Year’s resolutions. I have an innate guilt complex, so not achieving resolutions sends me into a spiral of self-deprecation. However, I like having a list of goals. Pretty contradictory, I know, but the word ‘goals’ is less intimidating to me and if I didn’t write down things to work towards, I’d never get anything done. So here they are, realistic or not – the goals I want to work towards in 2017.
  • Get my blog off the ground, continuing to update regularly and connect with other blogs that I enjoy.
  • Lose weight.
  • Save up money for trips and leisure, as well as towards moving out of my parental home.
  • Continue to track habits, mood/symptoms, and expenses. Try to stay organised and learn any patterns between the things that I track.
  • Keep up with the daily diary that I bought for this year. Write a few lines every day about what I did, how I feel, and daily stats.
  • Continue learning. I will continue studying hieroglyphs, but I’d like to start learning calligraphy and sign language.
  • Get at least one new tattoo.
  • Read at least one book a month. I’m a self-confessed bookworm, I always have been, but I’ve been slacking. I used to read so much. I’d like to get back into the habit, and spend less time just dossing around.
  • Keep up with hydration and eating properly.
  • Hit 5000 followers on Twitter.
  • Bake regularly, and challenge myself with it. I need to do more awesome recipes, like the shattered glass cupcakes I made for Halloween.
  • Do yoga every evening. I’ve found it incredibly helpful for my joints and muscles (I have a lot of pain in them due to fibromyalgia), and I think it would be good for me to do it really regularly.
  • Look after my nails. I want to have lovely, tidy nails by the end of 2017. I’m tired of my hands being wrecked from dermatillomania – back in 2011, I managed to get it under control and had well-kept nails. If I can get back there by the end of the year, I’ll be happy!
  • Spend less frivolously. This ties in with saving money (as above), but I felt it needed its own bullet point. I’m guilty of impulse buying and spending on things that aren’t really essential. I need to do less of that.
  • Finally, I’m going to give up chocolate for the whole year. I’m not a huge chocoholic, but I do eat it fairly regularly, and I do sometimes get a real hankering for it. I feel like cutting it out will help tremendously with eating better and losing weight. I was inspired to do this by my brother Liam and sister-in-law Ashleigh, who cut chocolate out for the whole of 2016.