Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Almost A Month Later

Good godfathers. Can you believe back in 2009 I used to blog every day? Sure, I was always out and about and doing stuff back then, but I thought I'd at least utilise this blog to talk about Stuff and Things. No such luck, I'm too tired and quite often too fed up to bother.

Anyway, another little update is in order I suppose. I'm still applying like a maniac to any job or internship that I'm even vaguely qualified for (and some that I'm not); still no luck, but I'm soldiering on. I'm also working on a ~project~ that may or may not come into fruition sometime soon. It's a lot to do with the difficulty of finding a (decent) job after university and also how crap it is to have graduated at one of the worst possible times i.e. after a major global economic crash. It's giving me a place to air my frustration and channel it into something that will hopefully become something productive. I'll say more when and if I ever get the project up and running.

Due to the depression of being jobless and stuck in my hometown with no plans, I've been very lethargic and apathetic lately. I guess I haven't updated this blog because I don't really see much point, as I'm mostly sleeping and playing Cooking Mama 3 right now, ha. However, there are some good things for me to talk about!

One of these is that we found out what Liam and Ashleigh are having! It's a little boy, so another nephew for me! We found out when we (Mutti, Martin, me, Ryan, Nan, Vati & Kath) went with Liam and Ash to a Chinese restaurant for dinner, and afterwards they cut open a cake they'd made especially - we all watched with bated breath because there were candies inside, either blue or pink, to signify which sex the baby is. And of course, when Nan cut the cake open....

Blue candy! You can kiiiind of see Liam and Ash in the background, looking all proud of themselves. It's so lovely how excited they are about the arrival of their little man! It's weird, I'd never want kids of my own but when family members/friends are expecting a baby, I get so caught up with all the excitement. Looking forward to meeting my new nephew, it's only four-ish months away now!

Today, I got a package from the lovely Jayne (I wrote a post about her lovely Etsy shop back in 2013); it's a custom necklace that I bought with a photo of Robin Lord Taylor as Oswald Cobblepot in it! And, as per Jayne's usual fabulous work, it's perfect!

It definitely cheered me up some! I'm not plugging her or anything (I am, I am totally plugging her), but I highly recommend you go take a peep at Jayne's shop because she has so many cute pieces for sale, not to mention her custom work has always been stunning in my experience. Oh, and her prices are ridiculously reasonable for the quality you get!

*insert general comment about how I should blog more, and non-committal statement saying that I will strive to write more often*

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