Monday 10 October 2016

Dead Tired, Part 2

I went to Bath, to attend my appointment at what is probably the poshest hospital I've ever been to. The hospital is a grade-II listed building, and a group tour was being educated on the building's previous uses while they gawked at the lovely architecture, right next to the front door that I had to get through. Which was quite awkward.

The doctor thinks I have features of both M.E. and fibromyalgia. They're both very similar syndromes so it's quite hard to pinpoint which one it could be, or if it's some nightmare combination of the two. I've been offered a place in a support group starting next month, which I highly doubt I can afford to get to for six weeks. So I'm researching help that's a bit closer to home, as well as self-help and just more general information on both of the conditions. I don't really know what my next step will be, I think gathering information is the main priority.

As you can probably tell, there's not a lot to talk about. I've been either working or in an exhausted stupor, but I'm hoping to become a bit more productive soon (this is doubtful, but I can hope).

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